The staff working at 0-2-5 Nursery Ltd recognise that parents and carers are the first educators of their children.
In recognising the role of parents and carers, nursery staff acknowledge the benefits of working in partnership with families, to ensure care and learning for the children.
On occasion, children attending other registered provisions as well as the nursery, good communication between the nursery staff and other relevant providers will contribute towards the child’s time at nursery being happy, settled, and productive.
This policy identifies to parents and carers the commitment of the 0-2-5 Nursery Ltd staff in involving them and any other registers provision their child attends fullt in their child’s development, learning, and experiences.
This will be achieved by ensuring that families are always kept fully informed of events and activities in the nursery, by sharing information with them, answering questions and addressing any concerns fully, and by encouraging families to participate in the life of the nursery.
Other registered providers will be invited to visit the nursery, particularly to attend parents’ evenings if families are in agreement, to share and exchange information relating to the child’s interests, development, and learning.
All staff working in the nursery will:
- Always recognise that they are accountable to the parents and carers of the children in their carte and encourage parents to trust their judgement regarding their own child.
- Gather information from parents and carers which will aid their child settling at nursery.
- Share information about children’s daily routines, the activities being planned and carried out with the child’s family.
- Inform parents and carers regularly of their child’s progress and development through parents’ evening and encouraging them to be a part of their Learning Journey book.
- Ensure that parents are aware of the nursery policies and procedures and that they are always available.
- Operate a key person system involving parents for open discussions and information sharing regarding nursery and home circumstances, and individual needs.
- Inform all parents of the systems for registering queries and complaints or suggestions, and check that these systems are all understood by parents.
- Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the early years’ foundation stage.
- Provide written contract between the parents and the nursery regarding conditions of acceptance and arrangements for payment.
- Respect the family’s religious and cultural backgrounds and accommodate any special requirements whenever possible and practical to do so.
- Find out the needs and expectations of the parents. These can be obtained through regular feedback via questionnaires, providing a suggestion system and encouraging parents to review working practices. The can then be evaluated by the nursery to promote practice, policy and staff deployment.