At 025 Nursery, all of the nursery meals are cooked fresh on the premises each day. We use high quality ingredients and fresh produce and the meals are cooked by our fully qualified chef.

The children are served a varied and well balanced diet, incorporating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. We are able to cater for children’s individual dietary requirements, whether this is due to an allergy or personal preference. We have a five week menu, which is changed each term and reflects seasonal produce.
We have a 5 star food hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency and when we were last inspected by Ofsted we were given an Outstanding for the ‘being healthy’ aspect.
Children show an excellent understanding of healthy eating and make healthy choices at snack and meal times. They are provided with healthy and nutritious home cooked meals, prepared on site by a fully qualified commended chef. A five weekly menu is shared with parents and displayed within the setting. Babies and very young children are extremely happy and content because their individual dietary requirements are being met to an exceptional standard.
– Ofsted 2011
Want to Know More?
Please call or email us today to find out more about the food and activities offered by the professional team at 025 Nursery.